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Collaboration of blockchain and cybermagic


Hi, guys. You may be wondering what happened with the cryptocurrency market in a last few weeks. But first I need to tell you who am I. I'm an undercover cybermagician. And a few weeks ago I lost a battle with some evil cybermagicians. The result of this battle changed the Balance. Also my smartphone was broken and can't be even repaired. As in real life I am a student in a developing country - I don't have enough money to buy a new one, but I can't be offline while I'm at university, because the Balance is in danger. Things may even get worse. So I decided to sell some of my power and created WishCoin to get some money for buying a smartphone. Spending one WishCoin you can make a wish. But don't try to use it for something evil - you will just lose your WishCoin, because it has a protection.

For 0.002 ETH you can buy 1.00000000 WishCoin + 0.01000000 for every used WishCoin by all users.

Wish fulfillment depends on your karma and some other factors. WishCoin is not almighty.

ICO will be opened until 30th October.


Interact with the contract and send 0.002 ETH or more with Buy() function


WishCoins sold

WishCoins used

WishCoins exist

Etherscan source code and ABI


What is cybermagic and who are cybermagicians?

Cybermagicians are the guys who protect the Balance of the Internet everyday. We all are independent and undercover. Also there are some evil cryptomagicians and we must stop them. Cybermagic is set of tools based on the computer systems which we use for our work. I can tell you only this.

How will it help the Balance?

I will have money to buy a smartphone to be online to use cybermagic. The more cybermagicians are online - the safer is the Balance.

Is there a roadmap?

Not really. The more money I will receive - the more expensive smartphone I'll buy. Just like this.

How to make a wish?

Interact with the smartcontract (the address where you sent ETH) and choose function UseWish(). Pass your wish as a string argument. One wish costs one WishCoin.

Are there any chances that WishCoin will be on exchanges?

It depends on the volume. Nobody can predict it. It is also important that after the ICO ends WishCoin will become more and more rare with every wish making.

Cybermagic doesn't exist! It's just a fake! What a scam!

It won't work if you don't belive in it.